Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to School!

It's that time of year! 
Here are a couple informational worksheets I send home the first day.
Click HERE to download a copy. 
Get to know your students! 
Click HERE to download your own copy.
I love reading what parents have to say about their child.
 It helps me get to know them better that first week.
I also thought I would share my hallway sign. 
I got this idea from the teacher I did my student teaching with in Las Vegas.
After the students are lined up the teacher would say:
"Eyes forward" students repeat
"Arms folded" students repeat
"Lips quiet" students repeat
This worked for her students and it has worked with mine the past two years. 
My second year I created this sign to go above the classroom door as a reminder.
Click HERE to get your copy.
Back to school hall bulletin board idea. 
This is the bulletin I used for my class last year. 
Instead of putting a photo copy picture you could have them draw a portrait of themselves.
Click HERE for crayon template. You can enlarge on the copy machine.
For jobs I also got this idea from a teacher at the school where I did my student teaching.
He had them color a  picture of themselves using the template he provided. 
Then he would change the "people" according to the job and day. 

For a template click HERE
You can shrink or enlarge on the copy machine.
If you are looking for a daily schedule to use and this one fits your routine be sure to download a copy!
Click HERE if your interested.




  1. Love those parent forms. Thanks! I was just thinking about you today. We have our first inservice on Monday and I'll miss having breakfast there with you! Hope you find a job soon!

  2. Hey Girl! I haven't heard from you in awhile and hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you could update and send me a copy of your student contact form. I loved using it last year and would just need the year updated. Thanks!!! <3
    OH - my email is :o)
